On the back of this photo are these words:
John 14:6 == Jesus said. "I am the Way the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
Juan 14:6 == - Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida - le contesto Jesus--. Nadie llega al Padre sino po Mi.
This photo was also posted in The Prayer Walk post last week but I wanted to share it again because it is one that will be going with me to Mexico as I take God's Truth to Tamazunchale, MX, to share in the teaching of the 4th Annual Pastor's Conference there [my second year]. This year's theme is: EVERYTHING BY PRAYER.
Our team is lead by Calixto Arce, founder of For The Fame of His Name [FFHN] going out from Long View Texas. Please pray for our team members as we share God's truth concerning prayer:Calixto [Leader / speaker / translator]
Matt [speaker from TX]
Brent [speaker - from South Dakota]
Dale [speaker and translator from TX]
Janis [speaker and translator from TX
Vicki [speaker from TX]
Stephanie [speaker from NJ]
Johnathan [speaker and translator from TX]
We set out tomorrow -Wed. 28th and will return on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd. Please pray for the health of some of our team members including myself [back and feet issues]. Pray for receptive hearts of the native pastors and their wives and leadership that will attend this conference from 11 native churches.
We are expecting great things from the LORD as He was faithful [in 2008]. Click here TRUTHSHARER: Worldwide Blessings to read about what God did last year if you missed it.
I'll report in when I return. I love you all and thank you for your prayers.
Choosing JOY, Stephanie
[JESUS - the One I Wait For]