There are now blizzard conditions here
in this quiet Southern NJ town.
The above photo was taken early about 8AM just off my front porch.
My home is open to the stranger, the friend,
and anyone who God would bring to find shelter here...
all because He is my provider!
On days like this it is hard living alone. "Manly" jobs like shoveling, plowing, and fixing things around the house are not my cup of tea....... yet the last word my husband spoke before he passed into glory - just five minutes before he died was:
our Grandson's name which means:
[ The LORD will Provide!]
Genesis 22
14 So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. And to this day it is said,
"On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided." ________________________________
My God is FAITHFUL and GOOD! Bless His Holy Name. Bob's last word was really 'the Word of the LORD' spoken to me that day because God Himself continues to provide for my EVERY NEED!
How do you see the Lord's provision in your life this day?
Choosing JOY, Stephanie
JESUS ONLY in 2010
I'm working through Kay Arthur's study: Lord, I Want to Know You;
I love that He is my provider, Jehoah-jireh.
With love,
I LOVE that Yolanda is enjoying Lord, I Want To Know You!!! It changed my life. Just wnted to say...also changing my life in my current Experiencing God study {and how God always connects us in our posts}... Last 2 days have been about the Lord as provider {yes, our Jehovah-jireh, Halleljah!} & how PRACTICAL God is in His provision!!! How He cares about all the details in our lives. Like the details of your driveway, or you having power that you can share with your snow plowing neighbor & his grandbaby. All about how God knows where we are & what our needs are & how He can put upon anyone's heart to connect& provide for each others needs & this is a perfect example! God is so good. LOVE IT!!!! And love you friend!
WOW! The snow is beautiful but I am sure enough is enough. So glad the birds were provided for and you. Nice neighbor to plow a path. Be safe. Praying your power stays on. B
You sure do have alot of snow! We experienced a few of those snow storms where I live in upstate NY.
Its nice to have a neighbor who cares and a God who provides.
love and Hugs~Tammy
Awesome post, Stephanie!
Bob's last word was so prophetic for you.
Reading this made me miss Ernie all over again. Somehow, the missing part never ends.
Thanks for sharing.
How awesome is our God!!! I love it when He speaks like that! I agree, it was a very prophetic word. The Lord is now your husband in real time! As He is mine. We come to rely on Him as our provider and He never disappoints. He is just amazing. What an awesome last word to savor! What a double blessing the Lord gave you the day your husband passed into heaven. WOW!! It was like your husband was transfering His role as PROVIDER over to the LORD for YOU. And God was saying AMEN! (let it be so)
Mama's last words were the ending of my prayer for her just a few hours before, moments after she fell into a coma. I had stood beside her bed and prayed for her healing, physically, because she was very sick. As always, I ended the prayer with "In the Name of Jesus Christ amen"!
I would not have known this had I not felt compelled to ask the aids that morning if she had said anything - anything at all. They shared these the words that she spoke - out of the blue with such a clarity. She never spoke again and was in a coma for 6 weeks before her passing. But Everytime I now enter into my fervent prayerlife - I am reminded of her last testament to her Living Lord! I am also a reminded of God's gift in me to Pray with endless expectant FAITH. God has anointed me to be His prayer warrior since that time. I didn't realize the connection between the two - at the time - and the prophetic Word that was actually spoken from her mouth as if it were the mind and voice of the Lord. The LOrd knew I would ask - because He knew I would respond to His nudge to ask -"did she say anything at all?"
years later, The Lord has enlightened me to the fact that it was this moment - her last audible words that became the turning point for me in my prayer life.
Even in the coma - mama's spirit heard my prayer, and she responded from her spirit! When her body was asleep - her spirit was already resigned to death. This was proof to me, that even her last spoken thots were held captive to the obedience of Christ! And just like your husband's, last words, God gave me a double whammy of blessing. God was calling me to this fervent prayerlife.
I just think God's personal involvement in our lives is so awesomely right on!
Thanks for sharing this awesome story of God's anoninting. I am reminded of my own.
Also, May God's blessings follow your relationship with your neighbor. It was God who opened the door to this relationship - through this massive blanket of freshly fallen snow - and you were able to respond with another open door. WOW!! The fact that it was the purity of snow - which is scriptual - that caused the door to open tells me that you're in for God's awesome provision through this open door. He knows our needs before we even know we're in need! He knows the plans for our life!
In the name of Jesus Christ, I prays His abundant blessings over you and your entire family today and everyday, because of your open heart, mind, spirit, hands, eyes - to His will and His provision.
Oh My goodness! Even the birds still count on you to feed them! Blessings. Stay warm dear one. Thanks for sharing your post and what was revealed to you. Blessings!
Is Jyden pronounced like my son's name, Jadon? Just curious. We picked Jadon's name out from Nehemiah meaning "God has heard." There's a full story attached to all of that; too much for now.
I love that your heart and home are open for stranger and friend alike. I pray your power is up and running and that you're feeling the warmth of God's love this day. You're such a blessing to me.
Let me tell you, I live in sunny Arizona and I'm now shivering just looking at your snow conditions. Brrr!
He has provided. He is providing. He will provide.
Thank you for your prayers and call to action. We are celebrating a victory but ready to fight again on a moment's notice =) thank you will never convey the gratitude I feel.
love, lisa
Thank you for visiting my blog, you ladies are an inspirational blessing.
GOD is faithful to provide always. Amazing photos. I remember those days having been born and raised in New York and we also lived in New Jersey for 6 years.
Love and prayers to you dear sister and thank GOD for His provision.
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